Friday, February 26, 2010

Growing Up.....

Let me tell you getting older STINKS!!!! I used to always want to be in my twenties. I thought if you were in your twenties your were the coolest person ever. Now that I am turning twenty April 13th, I know better. You are still just as dorky as you were in 8th grade and you still dress in the same lame stlye you did when you were in 8th grade, only you put a little more spunk in it, but dont fool look the same. But some things do change. Like you have responsibillites, and they stink! You have a full time job, college, relationship, kid(Gunner), you actually have to buy the things you want(UGH!), and your money becomes really, really important, and you have to save as much as you can. I miss being able to save just what i needed and blowing it all on what i wanted, it didnt matter if i had two dollars left, mom and dad took you everywhere. Now you cant get what you want, because you have to worry about what you need instead. Why didnt someone warn me about this getting old stuff?!!!! Oh yeah and you know how when you were younger and your coach in there twenties was like the coolest person ever. Well I think it is funny because at that point in time you think you will never be as cool as them, and never get to that age, because it seems so far away. Yeah its not, and Im there now. I am a assistant coach for a 9-10 year old girls softball team, and they think I am the coolest person ever, and you hate to break there hearts and tell them how much of a dork you are. Oh well, lets not let the little kids dreams down...Im cool for now. YAY! Anyways, for all you young readers, dont wish to be older, it will come before you know it, and you will be wishing to be young again. No more naps, and toys, and eating whatever you want. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing special about getting older, although I do like driving my truck, so maybe I will stay at the age I am now FOREVER! Mom this one goes out to you, since you are a firm beleiver in not celebrating birhtdays...they are called because I love you days. I love you Mom!